How Do I Care For My Teeth As An Adult?

Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist | Upper East Side Dental Office


Keeping healthy teeth as an adult is a simple but often overlooked process. Without proper oral hygiene, teeth can develop cavities and gums can become diseased and problematic. Maintaining a simple cleaning regimen can go long ways towards keeping a bright and healthy smile. Consider these simple steps:


Root Canal Recovery

Upper East Side Dentist | Manhattan Dental Office


Many of us dread going to the dentist and we all know that recovering from any type of dental surgery is typically less than pleasant. Here at Dr. Lattinelli’s, we want to ensure that every dental visit goes as smoothly as possible and tell you the best ways to stay comfortable after a procedure.


Conquer Dentist Fear

Upper East Side Dental Office | Manhattan Dentistry


It isn't uncommon to have a fear of the dentist. However, taking care of your oral health is important and fearing the dentist should become a fear of the past. Even though dental health care has come a long way, many still fear their next trip to the dentist's chair. (more…)

Dental Care and Your Children

Upper East Side Smile Makeover | Manhattan Dental Office


Healthy smiles are something that everyone wants and we could all easily have them from childhood through adulthood if we just develop healthy habits from an early age! That’s why it’s vital to teach your kids how to care for their pearly whites as soon as you can. It’s easy to overlook brushing that doesn’t quite reach every spot when we’re trying to prep for bedtime, but it’s vital your kids know the right way to brush their teeth, as well as how to care for their gums.


Smoking and Your Teeth

Upper East Side Cosmetic Dentistry | Manhattan Dental Office


Smoking can have many effects on your body, but what about your teeth? If you are one of the 36 million smokers in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control, you may want to better understand smoking's effects. For more information on how your teeth are affected by smoking, read on.


Is Chocolate Bad for Your Teeth?

Upper East Side Smile Makeover | Manhattan Dental Office


Few people, if any, dislike chocolate. Considered one of life's guilty pleasures, chocolate holds a special place in our collective hearts and is present at a wide range of social activities from romantic endeavors to the rampant candy-filled feasts of Easter and Halloween. (more…)

Attack that Plaque!

Upper East Side Dentist | Manhattan Dentistry


Are you battling with tooth plaque? Feel that layer of gunk that coats your teeth and makes them a little fuzzy and not quite clean? Your pearly whites are our first priority, and plaque can cause long lasting dental damage. We’re here to help you attack that plaque to ensure you have your best smile possible, 24/7!


Put a Stop to Cavities and Tooth Decay

Manhattan Dentistry | Upper East Side Dental Health


Tooth decay can take a significant toll on your dental health and cause not just serious problems such as loss of teeth. It can also make daily tasks such as eating and drinking difficult. Additionally, it might cause you to feel self-conscious about how you look when you smile or talk. To prevent these problems, it is essential to tackle tooth decay. Here are some ways to ensure that tooth decay does not take a toll on your health.


Five Unexpected Dental Tips from Your Dentist

Lenox Hill Dental Tips | Manhattan Dentistry


Your dentist gives you tips about good dental hygiene, so why might there be information offered that you would consider unexpected? Because these tips may be different from what you might expect to hear from your dentist. Let’s review them:


How to Prevent Teeth Grinding

Upper East Side Teeth Grinding | Manhattan Dental Office


We all know the basics of dental hygiene, brush and floss at least twice a day, avoid hard foods that could crack your teeth, and stay away from lots of acid to keep your enamel strong. One of the biggest issues many of us have that we don’t even always notice is grinding. It can ruin your teeth, and lots of people do it in their sleep without knowing! Dr. Lattinelli and the rest of our staff put together a little guide to help you find out if you’re grinding your teeth and what to do to prevent it.
