9 Toothbrushing Mistakes & How You Can Fix Them

Toothbrushing Mistakes | Manhattan Dental Office


We all know how important it is to take good care of our oral health. After all, we learn to brush our teeth about the same time that we learn to walk. But because it’s a skill so basic and routine, toothbrushing often gets performed on autopilot. Have you ever stopped to think about whether you’re actually brushing properly? We’ve got some helpful information that’ll help keep things like cavities and gum disease at bay. Take a look at these nine common toothbrushing mistakes – and how to go about fixing them.


How to Prevent Teeth Grinding

Upper East Side Teeth Grinding | Manhattan Dental Office


We all know the basics of dental hygiene, brush and floss at least twice a day, avoid hard foods that could crack your teeth, and stay away from lots of acid to keep your enamel strong. One of the biggest issues many of us have that we don’t even always notice is grinding. It can ruin your teeth, and lots of people do it in their sleep without knowing! Dr. Lattinelli and the rest of our staff put together a little guide to help you find out if you’re grinding your teeth and what to do to prevent it.


Diabetes and Your Mouth

Upper East Side Veneers | Manhattan Dentist

Diabetes is a serious disease which can affect many parts of your body. Your mouth, teeth, and gums should not be ignored if you have high blood sugar. Diabetes can impair your body’s ability to fight infections, so it is imperative to pay attention to any signs of dental issues. These can include:


Some Causes of Toothaches

Murray Hill Toothaches | Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist

Nothing ruins your day like a toothache. Whether it’s mild discomfort or severe, throbbing pain, a toothache is a red flag that should prompt a visit to your dentist. Because the causes of toothaches may not always be immediately apparent, diagnosis by our dental office should always be your first course of action. Wondering what’s causing your tooth discomfort? Take a look at a few potential causes of toothaches.


White Tongue, Bad Breath Conundrum

Manhattan Cosmetic Dentistry | Upper East Side Dentist

Bad breath: we’ve all experienced it. Whether it’s your own or someone else’s, bad breath is unpleasant and downright embarrassing. Take a look at the tongue of a person with bad breath and you’re likely to see a white film - the notorious “white tongue”. Two dreaded things that no one wants around, a white tongue and bad breath usually go hand in hand. But what causes a white tongue and bad breath? And what can be done about it? Our Upper East Side dentist has got a closer look at the white tongue, bad breath conundrum.


Daily Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

Midtown West Dental Health | Upper East Side Dentist Office

Basic dental care is extremely important to your overall health and well being. It prevents tooth decay and gum disease, prevents bad breath, and saves money by reducing the need for fillings and other costly procedures.

Upper East Side Dentist

You want your teeth to last a lifetime, so here are some habits that you can add to your daily routine to help care for your teeth and gums in the best way possible.

Oral health begins with keeping your teeth clean. Brush your teeth twice a day, and be sure to use the proper technique. Hold your toothbrush at a slight angle, aiming the bristles where tooth meets gum. Then gently brush with short back and forth motions. You should also use a toothpaste that contains fluoride, and you should ask our Manhattan dentist if you need a mouthwash that contains fluoride. An electric or battery-operated toothbrush can reduce plaque and gingivitis.

Flossing at least once a day is also extremely important. Flossing reaches the tight spaces between your teeth and under the gumline. To do it properly, break off about 18 inches of dental floss. Wind most of the floss around the middle finger, and grip the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers with the other hand. Gently guide the floss between your teeth until it reaches the gum line, then rub the tooth back and forth. Do this one tooth at a time through the rest of the mouth. Other tips include avoiding sugar and tobacco, and of course, scheduling regular trips to our Tribeca dental office for checkups and cleanings.

Treatment for TMD

Manhattan TMD Treatment | Upper East Side Dental Office

Upper East Side Dentist

TMD, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, can cause you serious pain and discomfort that can last many years. You might have pain in your jaw area, neck or shoulders, problems opening your mouth wide, headaches, ear aches, swelling and more. No one knows exactly what causes TMD, but it is most common for people between 20 and 40 years of age. Home remedies and traditional dental cures may be able to offer some relief. Let’s go over some of these treatments and hopefully one will work well for you.

On your own, you can take an over the counter medication like ibuprofen or naproxen for temporary relief. You can also do a cold to hot routine. First use an ice pack applied to the side of your face for 10 minutes. Then do a few jaw stretches, if your dentist approves it. When you’re done, hold a moist, warm compress against the painful area for 5 minutes. Do this several times a day. Soft foods, not leaning your chin on your hand, and keeping your teeth slightly apart can also help.

When you visit your dentist Upper East Side, you can discuss other options for treating TMD. He or she may prescribe muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety drugs, or antidepressants. Your dentist will tell you if a plastic splint or a night guard is the right choice. Dental work may help correct a bite problem. In extreme cases, transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation, trigger point injections, or low level laser therapy may be suggested. If you are bothered by TMD, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with Dr. Lattinelli so he can determine the best course of action to relieve you from your pain.

How to Treat and Prevent Cavities in Teeth!

Manhattan Cavity Prevention | Upper West Side Dentistry

Those committed to a clean and healthy smile often find that even brushing and flossing may not yield the comprehensive results they desire. Food and plaque is sometimes not effectively removed from the nooks, grooves or back areas of teeth. For those who want to take the extra step, Dr. Lattinelli and Associates recommend adding sealants to your dental care and prevention plan. Liquid sealants can be “painted” onto the tooth, bonding onto the depressions of the teeth and providing a protective safeguard over the tooth enamel, further working to prevent tooth decay. Manhattan Sealants are applied in a painless and easy process, and require only a few minutes per tooth to apply.

Midtown West Smile Makeover

Because of the likelihood of developing decay in premolars and molars, children and teenagers between the ages of 6 and 14 are often good candidates for the sealant process, as they are often cavity prone during those years. In some instances, dental sealants may also be appropriate for baby teeth which have deep creases and grooves. Although baby teeth will eventually be lost, they play a vital role in proper spacing of permanent teeth, and as such keeping them healthy as long as they remain in the mouth is important. Adults who wish additional protection are always good candidates for this dental procedure.

Sealants can preserve teeth for up to 10 years, but Dr. Lattinelli will check for chips or signs of wearing at regular checkups and determine what is the appropriate remedy. As many insurance companies will cover the application of dental sealants, those interested should check with their insurance carrier regarding their plan's coverage. Dr. Lattinelli and Associates provides quality dental care and specialized dental services to the Upper East Side and beyond; wherever you are in Manhattan, it is worth the trip to visit Dr. Lattinelli's Upper East Side Dental office for superior dental service.

Restoring your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry!

Midtown West Restoring your Smile | Manhattan Cosmetic Dentistry

Manhattan Cosmetic DentistryIf you're looking to restore your smile, re-align your bite, or even prevent remaining teeth from moving, a dental bridge may be the perfect solution. Bridges are natural-looking dental appliances that fill the gap created by one or more missing teeth. Bridges are barely noticeable and can restore the natural contour of teeth as well as the proper bite relationship between upper and lower teeth.

Bridges are made of porcelain, gold alloys or combinations of materials and consist of Abutment teeth and Pontic teeth. Abutment teeth are the anchors that hold the false teeth/tooth in place, and are molded and then bonded to fit the existing teeth on either side of the gap. The Pontic teeth fit in the gap and are then cemented in place.

There are several types of fixed dental bridges, with the traditional bridge (explained above) being the most common.

Bridges, with proper oral hygiene and regular Midtown West dentist checkups, can last fifteen years or longer.

Crowns are synthetic caps, usually made of a material like porcelain or stainless steel, placed on the top of a tooth to restore its function and appearance.

Crowns can be used for a myriad of problems including but not limited to:
Covering a misshapen tooth, protecting a weak tooth from breaking or cracking or covering a tooth with a filling. Crowns also serve an aesthetic use, and are applied when a discolored or stained tooth needs to be restored to its natural appearance.

A tooth must usually be reduced in size to accommodate a crown. The amount that the tooth is filed down depends on the type of crown and the decay, if any, involved in the original tooth. An impression is then made from the existing tooth and is sent to a lab, which manufactures a custom-designed crown. In some cases, a temporary crown is applied until the permanent crown is ready. Permanent crowns are cemented in place.

Crowns, with proper care, can last from five to fifteen years depending on the amount of wear and tear they experience. Certain habits such as jaw clenching or bruxism (teeth grinding) significantly shorten the life of a crown. It is very important to floss in the area of the crown to avoid excess plaque or collection of debris around the restoration. Moreover, eating brittle foods, ice or hard candy can compromise the adhesion of the crown, or even damage the crown.

Please contact our Upper East Side Dentist with any questions or to schedule an appointment.

The Importance of Oral Health for Children

Manhattan Kids Oral Health | Tribeca Dental Office

Murray Hill Cosmetic DentistYour Manhattan kids oral health and well-being is always our top priority and this is especially true when it comes to matters that concern the mouth. There are a number of things to be aware of when taking care of your child’s teeth and we at Dr. Lattinelli’s office want to make sure that you are aware of everything you need to know. You child should be seen by our office as soon as they reach 6 months in age. By this time their first teeth should be just starting to come in—this is a critical time to spot any problems before they can become worse.

By the age of 3 every child grows 20 primary teeth. This is an important time because this is what sets the stage for when the permanent teeth develop. If something goes wrong with the primary teeth, there’s a good chance the permanent teeth will suffer the same fate if not corrected. Brushing during this time is important; gums and teeth can be gently cleaned with special infant toothbrushes that fit over your finger. Toothpaste isn’t necessary because the baby may swallow the toothpaste and anything with fluoride should be avoided for all children under the age of 2.

Injures happen, and it’s important to know what to do in case of an accident. Mouth guards should always be used with any athletic physical activities or sports. If a tooth is knocked out place it in milk, saline, or the victim’s saliva. If it’s not completely knocked out, try to place it back in the socket while waiting to see us. Sealants are another way to protect the teeth. It fills in the ridges on the chewing part of the tooth to seal it from food and plaque. The sealing process is easy to apply and lasts for several years.

Contact our Upper East Side Dentist to schedule your next appointment or if you have any questions.