Which Dental Restoration is Best For Your Needs in Manhattan?

Each year, millions of Americans require some form of dental restoration. The reasons why people need to have these procedures performed vary, as does the type of treatment that will work best. Different methods can be performed, and choosing the right one might seem complicated, but certainly not impossible. These are some of the treatments that you can choose from. 

Dental Crowns 

Crowns are a common choice among customers who have an ailing or damaged tooth. They can be crafted from various materials, such as gold, ceramic, and porcelain. Metal crowns have a longer lifespan, whereas porcelain crowns are more discreet and less noticeable. 

Dental Bonding 

Dental bonding is one of the most versatile dental restoration treatments, as it can be used for a wide range of different situations. Resin is molded directly to the tooth and can restore structural integrity. It can be used for gaps, misshapen teeth, and chips.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are the most common procedure for patching cavities. They are usually recommended before other major procedures, such as fittings for dentures or implants. 


Dentures are usually used when someone reaches old age and caring for their teeth becomes too difficult. Recovery can be lengthy. Depending on how many original teeth need to be extracted, it can take up to one week for pain to subside and several weeks before solid food can be eaten again. 

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are an excellent way to restore the structural integrity of your smile. They're far more reliable than dentures, anchored directly into the jawline. Your gum line must be healthy enough to serve as a base to have a successful implant procedure. 

Essential Items to Consider 

Before considering any dental restoration procedure, it’s essential to consider a few necessary items. First and foremost, you should already be practicing a daily oral hygiene routine. You should also consult with your insurance provider to determine how much of the procedure they will cover. Last but certainly not least, you should consult with your dentist to see the best course of action. 

The Best Care Courtesy of JCL Dental and Dr. Lattinelli

Whether you’re considering restorative work or need a routine dental check-up, JCL Dental is here to provide you with the best dental care in Manhattan and the Upper East Side areas. Learn more about the procedures and care we offer by calling us today at 212-752-7188.

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Are Dental Implants Right for Me? 

Your smile is one of the first things that people see and a byproduct of good oral health and cleanliness. If you have missing teeth and are worried that having a lackluster smile is hindering your quality of life, there’s a good chance that dental implants might be an effective solution. Dental implants are artificial roots that serve as the foundation for missing teeth. They’re a great solution for missing teeth and an excellent alternative to partial or full-plate dentures. 

Do I Qualify for Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are certainly an excellent method of restoring your smile, but as with any cosmetic procedure, some mitigating factors should be considered before a dentist can begin the procedure. When you schedule a consultation, these are some of the topics that will be discussed. 

Oral Health—Because implants require a strong jawline and healthy gum line, the dentist will examine both thoroughly and determine whether to continue the procedure.

Cleanliness - While dental implants are exceptional in restoring your smile, it’s still essential that you practice a diligent oral care routine that includes brushing, flossing, and getting a regular checkup every six months. 

Jawbone Density—A dentist will thoroughly Examine a strong and healthy jawbone. Because the procedure includes drilling into the jaw bone to establish new roots, bone density is paramount. 

Overall Health—Good oral and overall physical health is required for dental implants. Pre-existing conditions such as diabetes and autoimmune disease can complicate the procedure. 


One of the most important things to think about when you’re considering dental implants is cost. Before you schedule a consultation, you might want to consider checking with your insurance company to see if they’ll cover implants or at least part of the cost. Implants tend to be more expensive than dentures by a considerable margin, so knowing how much you can expect to pay is important. 

JCL Dental in Manhattan

Dental implants can make a noticeable difference in not only your physical appearance but also your self-esteem and quality of life. The dental offices of Dr. Lattinelli specialize in a broad spectrum of procedures, from cosmetic treatments such as whitening and implants to routine check-ups and cleanings. Your smile is important, and we’re more than happy to help you keep it bright and glowing. Learn more by calling us at 212-752-7188 or filling out the form below!

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Rebuild Your Confidence and Your Smile with Dental Implants 

You never get a second chance to make a first impression; more often than not, your smile is the first thing anyone sees or notices about you. If you have a smile that doesn’t show you in the best light and you’re looking to restore your pearly whites and your confidence in social situations, JCL Dental is here to help. If you’ve ever considered dental implants and their various advantages, you’ll want to read the information we’re presenting to you today. 

A Look That’s as Close to Natural as Possible 

One of our customers' concerns about dental implants is that they’re easy to spot and will stand out whenever they smile. First and foremost, we want to assure you this is not the case. Dental implants are made of a material that looks like the real thing. No one has to know that you have dental implants if you don’t want to tell them. 


Apart from worrying that the appearance of dental implants will be recognizable to others, some of our patients have expressed concerns about being able to eat their favorite foods, such as steak, chips, and even corn on the cob. Once again, implants feel so natural that after a while, you won’t even notice them and can eat all of the food you used to before your procedure. 

Restored Confidence in Social Interactions

Many of our patients have found that after an implant procedure, they’re more confident in going out and being social and have experienced an enriched quality of life. They can communicate confidently and love, showing off their new smile to the world. 

A Simple Procedure 

Many people have one thing that never goes away as they age, and that’s the anxiety of going to the dentist. We understand this and want to calm any nervousness you might have about having dental implants performed. The procedure is relatively simple, and although it might take a week or so to get used to them, you’ll soon barely notice that they’ve been put in place. Your implants will last considerably longer if you return for regular checkups every six months and stay on top of your daily hygiene. 

Proper care of your teeth and gums is essential for retaining a quality of life. Dr. Lattinelli and the team at JCL Dental are here to provide both if you’ve been considering getting implants or just need to schedule a routine cleaning. To learn more, give us a call at 212-752-7188.

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Can Dental Implants be Performed in One Day?

When it comes to reconstructive dental surgery, many patients have taken an interest in having implants done instead of partial dentures or expensive route canals. However, having this procedure done is a point of contention for some, as they have little interest in waiting several weeks for the work to be completed and would prefer to have it done as quickly as possible. In recent years there have been several advertisements promising that this procedure can be done in a matter of hours and not days. Is there any truth to these claims? Today we’ll be answering these questions to the best of our ability. 

cosmetic dentist manhattan

Making Sure Implants Are Right for You 

While you might want to get implants, they might not the ideal situation for you. A dentist who’s offering a rushed procedure might be more interested in getting paid than your actual benefit. Be sure to consult with a dentist who has your best interests in mind. 

Time is a Necessity 

Dental implants are a procedure that shouldn’t be rushed by any means. The process involves taking detailed scans of the patient's teeth and jawline and ensuring that the materials are safe for the patient. Dentists who rush this procedure can often overlook several important factors, such as allergies or other pre-existing patient issues. A dental expert will exercise caution with the patient’s jawline and make certain that the implants are going in the proper place. Someone who rushes through this process puts the patient at risk for larger problems, such as infection or an implant that’s not properly fitted. 

Patience is a Virtue 

It goes without saying that a dentist skilled at their craft will take the necessary time and precautions to ensure that their patient receives the best treatment possible. Each patient is different, and the rate at which your implants will be ready will all depend on the state of your jawline, the size and scale of the implants, and how busy your caregiver is. Rest assured; the best things take time. And to avoid possible infection or ill-fitting implants, it’s best not to rush the procedure in any way. 

The Dental offices of Dr. Lattinelli 

If you’re considering dental implants or any other important procedure, we’re here to offer a gentle hand and the best advice. For appointments and information about our offices, you can visit us online at www.drlattinelli.com.

What Are The Different Types of Dental Implants?

Whether you’ve lost your teeth or had to have them pulled, finding out that you need dental implants can feel very overwhelming.  There are several different types of implants that you can get, and the office of Dr. Lattinelli is here to help you understand which is the best for you! There are three common types of dental implants to choose from, and we’re going to explain each to you.

dental implants manhattan

First things first, we’re going to explain exactly what dental implants are.  They are made from pure titanium and are very small in size.  They are designed this way so that they can fit into the bone underneath your gums.  They mimic regular natural tooth roots!  You may just need one tooth replaced or have several teeth that have been lost or pulled, but implants are a great way to return your smile to its original beauty.

The first type of dental implant is the Endosteal implant.  It is the most common and works best for those who still have a healthy jawbone.  The implants are fused directly to the bone, so they can’t have any damage for endosteal implants to work.  They resemble screws in shape, and false teeth are fitted directly onto them.  Once the implants have been placed into the jawbone there needs to be adequate time for it to heal and fuse before the tooth can be placed onto the screw.

The next type of implant is Subperiosteal implants, which are the second most common.  The main difference with these is they rest on top of your bone and under your gum, rather than being fixed directly into your jawbone.  This is done with a metal frame that’s placed under your gum with an attached post.  Once the gum heals around the frame it will be held in place and false teeth are then secured to the poles coming out of the gum.  This is best for those without enough jawbone for an implant, or for those who want a less intense oral surgery.  

Finally, we have the Zygomatic implant.  This is the least common implant and is only used where there is not enough jawbone left for an Endosteal implant.  Since there isn’t bone for it to be secured into, the implant is placed directly into the cheekbone, and the false teeth are placed on it once it heals. No matter what type of implant you may need, Dr. Lattinelli is here to help.  Give us a call at 212-752-7188 with any questions you have or to schedule an appointment.  We are conveniently located at 121 East 60th Street on the 10th Floor in New York City, New York.

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Do I Need Dental Implants?

Have you considered getting dental implants to address serious dental problems such as tooth loss?

If so, we’d like to explore when that may be an effective approach. This brief article will discuss what they are when you should get them, and why they’re beneficial.


Don’t Wait to Get Dental Implants

There’s no wrong time to get dental implants, as they can greatly improve your quality of life from an oral-care perspective. However, we’ve seen a certain hesitancy when it comes to getting this procedure done for various reasons, and we’d like to explain why you don’t have to wait to do this.

Check out this helpful advice on why you shouldn’t wait too long to get dental implants.


Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

This process, otherwise known as teeth bleaching, is applied in order to whiten and brighten teeth from discoloration and staining and is easily performed at a dental office. Consult with your dentist to find out if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening. 


The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

Your smile is one of the first things people notice. Making sure it looks good is of great concern to many. While brushing, flossing, and getting a routine check-up is important, sometimes, the unforeseen happens. If you’re thinking of getting dental implants to restore your smile to its original form, good for you. However, just like any big decision you decide to make, there are pros and cons. We’ve made a brief list that looks at the advantages and disadvantages of a dental implant procedure.


Dental Implants vs Dentures

A desirable solution for missing teeth is a procedure called dental implants. Dental implants have become the preferred choice over dentures due to their numerous favored advantages. Dr. Lattinelli explains the alluring benefits below that cause dental implants to be the sought-after option among patients.

manhattan upper east side dental implants

The flexibility of dental implants is a huge plus over traditional dentures. Implants have the ability to replace anywhere from one tooth to a complete set of teeth. In contrast, dentures are only advised if a large number or all of the teeth are missing.

Unlike dentures which are manufactured out of plastic, acrylic, and cast metal, dental implants are constructed from titanium; therefore, the implants are able to fuse with the patient’s jaw bone. A wonderful advantage is that the bond is strong, secure, and permanent. This eliminates movement and sound which are common problems of patients who wear traditional dentures.

Another fantastic benefit is that dental implants maintain and encourage bone growth at the location of the implant. Bone loss starts to occur when someone has missing teeth. Since implants recreate the existence of the tooth root, the bone is revitalized at the area of the missing tooth. Unfortunately, dentures do not have the ability to sustain bone mass in the jaw and cannot prevent the decomposition of bone as time goes by.

An additional drawback of traditional dentures is that they may require refitting or replacement due to the aging process as well as the jaw changing shape as a result of bone decay. Happily, by caring for dental implants properly through sufficient oral hygiene, they can last forever.

Due to their longevity, dental implants are a wise expenditure in a patient’s oral health and overall well-being. Most patients qualify for implants in order to correct the problem of absent teeth. People who have sustained progressive bone loss, however, could possibly need to undergo bone grafting.

Dr. Lattinelli’s dental practice is renowned due to the expertise and high level of patient satisfaction that we consistently provide. Our respected establishment is located at 121 East 60th Street in Manhattan, NY and we may be contacted by calling (212) 752-7188.

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