Important Dental Habits for Children

Children Dental Habits in Murray Hill | Cosmetic Dentistry Midtown Manhattan

It’s never too early to start working on good dental habits, and children may avoid later problems if they develop behaviors that encourage proper dental care. Many children don’t have good habits about brushing their teeth or flossing, and parents need to take the initiative to teach them proper techniques. It can save children a lot of discomfort and parents a lot of money over time when children follow proper dental habits.


Behaviors That Can Harm Your Teeth

Queens Dental Habits | Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist

Since childhood, we are taught to brush our teeth twice a day, floss regularly and visit a dentist every 6 months for maintaining our teeth. But healthy teeth and gums need much more than just brushing & flossing. There are several seemingly ‘innocent’ habits that put our teeth at risk for getting damaged permanently! Our cosmetic dentistry office has compiled a list of habits that can damage your teeth- chipping, cracking, enamel erosion or gum problems.


The Silent Signs of Gum Disease

Lenox Hill Gum Disease | Tribeca Dental Office

Gum disease is a serious health problem that ranges from gum inflammation to major issues like damage to the bones that support the teeth. Gum disease is caused when bacteria multiply and form plaque on your teeth. If you don’t brush and floss your teeth after meals, especially meals that have a lot of sugar, the bacteria can eat away at the enamel on your teeth. Plaque that stays in place for a long period of time causes tartar, which needs to be removed by our dentist.

When there is tartar on the teeth, the gums can become inflamed. This makes them bleed or become red and is often called gingivitis. Manhattan Dental OfficeGingivitis is a gum disease, but it can be reversed with proper oral health and a deep cleaning at the dentist. If left untreated, periodontitis can form. If the periodontitis becomes too advanced, the bone and tissues in the mouth are broken down and loss of teeth is possible.

There are a few signs of gum disease that you can look for: bad breath, swollen or red gums, gums that bleed when brushed or flossed, teeth that are sensitive to hot or cold food or drink, and gums that recede.

Certain people are at a higher risk for gum disease than others, especially people with diabetes. It is common for people with diabetes to develop periodontal disease earlier in life than people without diabetes. If not reversed in time, the tissue and bone can break down in the mouth and cause a loss of teeth.

Visiting your dentist regularly is an important way to guard against gum disease. The dentist or dental hygienist will be able to remove tartar that has built up in the mouth and can see the warning signs of gum disease. If you are told you have gum disease, your dentist will provide you with steps to take to reverse it.

Dr. Lattinelli cares about you and your oral health. If you haven’t been to the dentist in awhile, call us today at 212-752-7188 to make an appointment. Our Upper East Side dentistry office is conveniently located at 121 East 60th Street in New York. Your mouth will thank you.

Injured Tooth: What Should I Do?

Lenox Hill Dentist Emergency | Upper East Side Dental Office

You take good care of your teeth. You keep those pearly whites healthy with regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings. But when the unthinkable happens and you injure a tooth, what do you do? We’ve got a closer look at how you should handle different types of tooth injuries. When you have an injured tooth, it’s important to act immediately. Visit our cosmetic dentistry office right away to have your injury evaluated and x-rayed. If the tooth or a piece of it has broken out of the mouth, make sure you bring it with you to the dentist. An over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever can help with any pain from a broken, cracked, or chipped tooth. Here’s what you can expect in treatment for tooth injuries:


Help in Preventing Tooth Decay

Upper East Side Tooth Decay | Lenox Hill Cosmetic Dentist

Tooth decay is a preventable oral disease that can have serious consequences on your dental health. Tooth decay happens when acid in the body dissolves the tooth enamel. Acid is produced by bacteria from carbohydrates and sugar. When there is a lot of acid, the tooth enamel is dissolved and can lead to the loss of the tooth.


Our Dental Office Services

Lenox Hill Dental Services | Upper West Side Cosmetic Dentist

At the office of Joseph C. Lattinelli, DMD and associates, we want to be your choice for quality dentistry services in Manhattan, New York. Our accredited and highly-skilled team of professionals will work with you to determine the best treatment options for your unique needs. We offer a full range of dental services, ranging from preventive and diagnostic to cosmetic. Take a closer look at the dental services we offer.


3 Most Common Dental Problems and How to Avoid Them

Manhattan Common Dental Problems | Upper East Side Cosmetic Dentistry

Although most folks try to avoid dental problems like the plague, they inevitably rear their ugly heads every now and then. Care to venture a guess as to which three dental problems dentists most commonly see in their offices? Here’s the big three: cavities, gum disease, and enamel erosion. Luckily there are a few things you can do to ward off these dental evils. Our cosmetic dentist team has got some key information about these three common dental problems and how you can avoid them.


Dental Health And Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Lenox Hill Bruxism-Teeth Grinding | Manhattan Cosmetic Dentistry

Have you been told or have you noticed that you grind your teeth while you are sleeping? Occasionally grinding your teeth can be common, but if you constantly grind your teeth, there is the possibility of fracturing, loosening or losing your teeth. It can also harm your jaw, cause headaches, and cause TMD/TMJ. At our Upper East Side dental office, we want you to be aware of the health complications of teeth grinding, also called bruxism, and let you know what you can do to minimize it. If you wake up with headaches or a sore jaw, you might be grinding your teeth in your sleep. (more…)

Dental Milestones You Hit Before You're 30

Manhattan Dental Milestones | Upper East Side Cosmetic Dentistry

>Turning 30 is a huge milestone, but the road is paved with smaller milestones, especially with your teeth. By the time you are 30, you have likely had cavities, braces and wisdom teeth removal. If you think you or your kids need any of these services, make an appointment at our dental office. (more…)

Dental Services to Help You Maintain Healthy Teeth

Upper East Side Cosmetic Dentistry | Manhattan Dentist

Regular dental visits help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. During a dental check-up, your mouth is checked for overall oral health and to see if there are any areas that could causes problems in the future. Dr. Joseph C. Lattinelli DMD and associates care for you and your oral health. That is why we offer a full array of dental services for all of your dental needs.

During your first visit, you will have an initial oral examination. We do this in order to get a full picture of your current oral health, and discuss with you any goals you might have. This initial oral examination includes a visual examination, periodontal probing, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations. X-rays are also taken for diagnosis of decay of teeth.

upper east side dental office

If we find during your initial oral examination or your regular cleaning any problem areas, we can take care of them in our office. We offer:

So you don’t have to go to multiple offices for your oral health needs. In order to reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease, we recommend you brush your teeth twice a day, and floss daily.

Finding a dentist is sometimes a stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be. You can trust your oral health to Dr. Lattinelli and associates. Dr. Lattinelli is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and has over a decade of experience in private practice. If you would like more information on our many services, or would like to schedule an appointment, contact our dentistry office at 212-752-7188.